Research Themes

Climate Change And Environmental Dynamics
  • Climate Change and Environmental Dynamics Team: Studies complex interactions and dynamics of the climate change and environment.
  • Research Areas: Data assimilation, weather prediction, natural hazards communication.
  • Low-cost Weather Stations: Develops affordable solutions for improved monitoring.
  • Governance of Agro-forests: Focuses on sustainable landscapes and livelihoods.
  • Climate Change Policy: Works on adaptation and mitigation strategies.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Experts from meteorology, ecology, geology, geography, sociology, etc.
  • Analyzes Data, Models, and Fieldwork: Understands environmental processes and patterns.
  • Informs Decision-making and Policy: Supports sustainable environmental management.
Energy-Materials Nexus
  • Energy-Materials Nexus Research Group: Drives sustainable clean energy solutions and supports the energy transition in Africa.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Experts from materials science, engineering, and energy systems work together to address Africa’s unique challenges.
  • Research Focus: Develops low-cost processing techniques for photovoltaic devices, enabling affordable clean energy solutions.
  • Sustainable Energy Solutions: Advances materials for renewable energy generation, storage, and conversion in Africa.
  • Energy Transition in Africa: Analyzes barriers and proposes strategies for successful adoption of clean energy technologies.
  • Material Optimization: Enhances performance and durability of photovoltaic materials for cost-effective deployment in Africa.
  • Resource Efficiency: Promotes material usage optimization and circular economy approaches in African clean energy technologies.
  • Technology Transfer and Collaboration: Partners with industries, policymakers, and communities to foster clean energy adoption and local capacity building.
  • Education and Outreach: Disseminates knowledge and raises awareness for clean energy benefits and low-cost photovoltaic devices in Africa.
Mineral and Energy Systems
  • Mineral and Energy Systems Research Group: Studies mineral resources, energy systems, and related sustainability aspects.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Collaborates across geology, engineering, economics, environmental science, and Afri-centric engineering.
  • Sustainable Mining Processing: Develops resource-saving techniques for environmentally friendly mineral extraction and processing.
  • Small-scale Mining: Addresses challenges and opportunities of small-scale mining operations, considering social, environmental, and economic factors.
  • Energy Transition: Integrates renewable energy sources into existing energy systems, emphasizing sustainability and clean technologies.
  • Resource Efficiency: Optimizes resource use, minimizes waste, and promotes recycling in mineral and energy sectors.
  • Socioeconomic Impacts: Assesses social and economic effects of mineral and energy developments, promoting inclusive and sustainable growth.
  • Policy and Governance: Analyzes regulatory frameworks and governance structures for effective and equitable resource management.
  • Technological Advancements: Explores emerging technologies and Africentric engineering for enhanced resource exploration and energy production.
  • Sustainability Challenges: Examines long-term sustainability of mineral and energy systems, encompassing environmental, social, and economic factors.
Policy and Design Integration
  • Policy and Design Integration Research Group: Collaborative team exploring the intersection of policy and design disciplines to address environmental and societal challenges.
  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Integrates expertise from policy studies, urban planning, architecture, and environmental science.
  • Designing for Sustainability: Develops innovative design policies for e-waste recycling, focusing on Africa and marginalized communities.
  • Environmental Data Instruments: Designs measurement instruments to generate environmental and weather data in Africa.
  • Air Pollution and Health: Investigates air pollution risks and health impacts in Africa and marginalized communities in the US.
  • Natural Resource Governance: Examines management and governance strategies for sustainable utilization of natural resources.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Collaborates with policymakers, architects, community organizations, and environmental agencies.
  • Knowledge Dissemination: Shares research findings, policy recommendations, and design guidelines through publications and workshops.